NHS 111 Service | 111 |
Dewsbury District Hospital | 0844 811 8110 |
Huddersfield Royal Infirmary | 01484 422191 |
Boots (Old Bank Road) | 01924 490788 |
Boots (Doctor Lane) | 01924 480558 |
Boots (Huddersfield Road) | 01924 492163 |
Eye Pharmacy (Mirfield) | 01924 480022 |
Eye Pharmacy (Ravensthorpe) | 01924 466188 |
Co-op Chemist (Ravensthorpe) | 01924 461651 |
Social Services (Information Point) | 01484 414933 |
Calderdale & Kirklees Health Authority | 01484 466000 |
Clinical Commissioning Group
Further details of primary medical services in the area can be obtained from the Local CCG who are also responsible for Commissioning the out-of-hours emergency service. Contact the CCG at:
North Kirklees CCG
2nd Floor
Norwich Union House
Market Street
Tel: 01924 504900